Friday, December 3, 2010


As Xmas is getting around the corner ..

As the more Xmas decorations and gifts I saw in the mall ...

As the more Xmas song I heard ( I even heard the 2011 CNY song ) .. *sweats*

I FELT ... 2010 is really going to over ...

2010 was really a special year for me ..

For the special angels I met,
For the new friends I hang around with,
For every book I read,
For every place I went,
For the new decisions I made ,
For the sIcks I fall,
For the obstacles I get over with,
For everyone & everything & every emotions ups & downs I had ...

I'm being so THANKFUL ...

I learned to FORGET & FORGIVE... *even you might not believe but mind you.. dats not ur biz tho*

I learned there is no such things of who's the right & who's false ..

I learned there is no such things of fair & square ..

And this is what we called L-I-F-E !!!

I'm really proud of myself that i learned -->
i'm NEVER LATE for learning ANYTHING !!!! As long as if I want to then I'll be learn.

I hope u got what I mean even it's sound complicated...


- -> i blogged ( 104) lesser than yr 2009 (193) .. : ( *failed* can i pick it up during this month for another 90 posts ??? *impossible*

- -> i WON a TV from SYABAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *darn PROUD man !!!* after i knew the salary of SYABAS CEO taken a month then i knew why they are so kind for the gifts *^.-*

- -> i'd a worst pity b'day which i felt i lost all moi frens ... which almost everyone forgot moi day wishes... *sob sob*

- -> i'd a SPECIAL CNY eve & "balik" kampung CNY celebration !!!! even it's hot but still i'm happy as i'm welcomed in toi family CNY celebration tho. And i'd diarrhea on the 1st day of CNY which its so unforgetable & uber FAILED. -.-"

- -> i'd memorable Valentines DAY !!!! : )

- -> i'm ATTACHED on 11th april !!! ; ) nope !!! we are not engage yet.. just we had our pre-engagement ring !! duhhh... mind you ?? :P

- -> i WON when its come to the RIGHTS of a customer from MAXIS !!! *proud*

- -> i went for the 1st Oversea trip with TOI !!! if the singapore doesn't count -.-"

- -> i realized of the actual humanity ..

- -> i learned the LESSON for not gaduh'ing with anyone .. esp G-U-Y .. !!! : P

- -> i'm definitely LOST and digging so hard for a way ... a new way i mean ..

- -> i felt the worst BLACK friday !! EVER !!!!even i don't believe for the black friday tho.

- -> i FOUND the rainbows ... after 2months ... been suffered for the 2months which i'll never forget .. ever !!!

- -> i felt the POWER of the yoga !!! i should resume it as soon as possible .. i knew..

- -> i failed to finish a book which pending so long ..

- -> i bought a LOT of books .. even i can't finish most of them yet .@.@"

- -> i learned to LET go ..

- -> i had a HEAVENly holiday !!! YAY !!!

- -> i'm ALIVE and celebrated moi 101010 in a SPECIAL way which is soooooo unforgetable .
For a better 2011 please ???

- -> i tried to be a half vegan which i think is failed succeed for the first 2 months ...

- -> i really felt to DIE and luckily get REBORN ..

- -> i LEFT for a better HELLO !!!!!!!!

- -> i got moi precious !!!! (:

- -> i learned to have meal ALONE moi-self !!!! *soooo proud*

And that's the lil things i'd on 2010 .. which is so failed as part of it are the saddest stuff .. anyhow i hope the obstacles i get thru with as a lesson and will lead me to a better 2011 and i'm sure it will... that's what i keep telling moi self ... (;

So, it's 2011...
the new resolutions i should make this year as i skipped it last yr .. therefore moi 2010 is quite "messy" i must said.

2011 ..

--> i greedily hope & wish for a BETTER b'day celebration to kick start of the yr !!!!!! seriously !!!! perhaps i'd a teary bday 2010 hence my whole yr 2010 are fulled with T.T too .. So .. this yr !!!! not gonna drop any T.T at all .. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee..... and you !!! whoever read this moi friends ... don't forget to send in your wishes not in FACEBOOK plsss .. otherwise you are no longer as moi friends !!!! kakaaa... And yay ...i should able to get moiself a holiday just in case moi new works is not really busy .

--> i hope moi precious ... GORGEOUS ave. will grow stronger as it should create its own branding !!! A must !!!!!

--> i hope i able to clean the previous jobs tidy & pass it nicely . :)

--> i hope everyday when i'm awake , moi day is full of task/jobs which i <3 the most.

--> i hope every night before i fall in sleep, i'll remember to be thankful for the jobs/life i'd .

--> i hope i'll earn for the 1st fees for moi upgrades from oversea. *too much* @.@"

--> i hope i'll really enjoy for the way which i choose. (;

--> i hope i'll practice for a healthy lifestyle ... :) rest , sleep & eat well ..

--> i hope moi toi will practice the same lifestyle too .. no more sleep late !!! (:

--> i hope i'll read more books . Esp those books i'd pending for so long @ half.

--> i hope i'm brave enough to go for a 10days medication ALONE to knew a pure moi-self !!!

--> i hope i'm brave enough to go for a 10days backpack moiself in bali !!! to find moi guru perhaps ?? :P

--> i hope i able to do whatever i feel to before i'm ready commit to build a NEW family .

--> i hope i deserve an unforgettable proposal and not a homereadythenamustreadytraditionalchinesewayofmarriagearrangebybothfamilytypewedding before i'm ready to commit for a NEW family. *hintz BEHB !!!* ^.*

--> i hope i'll stay healthier *this what i HOPE the MOST !!* i hope moi angels do hear me.

--> i hope i'll stay happier ..

--> i hope i'll make more friends & less enemy..

--> i hope i'll travel more .

--> i hope i'll pray more.

--> i hope we'll learn to spend less & save more for our HOME .

--> i hope we'll communicate more instead of misunderstood.

--> i hope we'll LOVE each other more instead of ignoring both.

--> i hope i'll LOVE moi parents MORE !!! as i knew they LOVE me too.

--> i hope i'll keep learning .. for everything.. from everywhere & everyone.

--> i hope for whatever i HOPE can be come true!!!!!!!! :D

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! i ain't greedy , am i ???? i didn't hope for LOTTERY tho .. i just hope for a smoother
LIFE !!! ain't this normal ????

Well, it's the end of the year.. i really hope all the sickness should come to an end.

Dear angels, i ain't doing any bad things in moi life, i shouldn't be treat with so much pain, so do moi family .. please do give me a healthier body & life afterward .. pls.... no more migraine, no more sinus and no more pain.
Thank you & i love you.

And last but not least,
DO really Wish i able to go over the obstacles while "building" the Gorgeous Ave. And so that i can help others to be GORGEOUS as well . : ) Don't you think so i can ???

Thanks 2010 . Goodbye & i LOVE u .

HELLO 2011. i LOVE u too !!!!!!!!!

What's ya RESOLUTIONS then ???

- Posted using BlogPress from Genz's iPhonez ®

1 comment:

~Alvin~incious...~ said...


so long ... lazy to read all ... kekeke ....


 愿你 不忘初心, 不负光阴,活出自我, 终得精彩, 愿你, 历经千帆, 归来仍是少年。