Tuesday, November 9, 2010

~* 1 2 die .. *~

After seeking so many specialist ..

Neurologist for migraine ..
Which after had half pill of the medicine ..
I'd fall in sore-throat continue with fever come and go ... :( and flu afterward ..
*demmit hate it*

Opthalm0logist for the blur eye ...
Doesn't help at all pun as they said had something called floater in my eye which can't take it off via medicine and they got not explain for why the floater is dropping off ..

Fuck !!!! I'd to be Blind Blur for another month???

The appointment cardssss ...

And now ....

I'm still sick AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Urghhhhhh !!! FUCK MY LIFE !!!!!!!
I know !!!! Everyone is
when heard of it .. So do I !!!!!!!

Whoever love to fall sick ??? I'll want to stay healthy too !!!! i'm so wish for the healthy tho.
Does anyone know how pain I'm ???
All I heard is take good care .. But how ??? HOW ??? HOW ?? HOW ?????????

Nobody know how I want and how I wish to stay healthy ..I bet for N-O-B-O-D-Y .. !!!!!!

I seriously deeply feel 2 die the moment I saw the pills , and suffer the pain ...

I'm in soooooo much pain which I can't tell anyone tho.

The fever, the flu , the sorethroat and I vomit a lot even I only had white plain bread !!!!
Darn fuck !!!!!!! I want tooooooooooo DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm soooo useless to unable to take good care of my self !!!!!!!!!!!! perhaps i'm born to be a sick worm !!!!! demmit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

really FUCK my life !!!!

maybe i really want to die just i don't want to die now yet . =='
maybe i really want to die just when everyone ask me to take k .. but how ???
maybe i just don't want to die and i just want to say i want to die .. CAN ????

- Posted using BlogPress from Genz's iPhone®

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 愿你 不忘初心, 不负光阴,活出自我, 终得精彩, 愿你, 历经千帆, 归来仍是少年。