And I asked again, will we sleep n awake prettier like her in real life ?I knew I'll never sleep as pretty or cute like her as I always sleep n awake in da different "style" which sometimes I can felt my style is darn "awesome" haaahaaa...
He said,I think he said even he din ??
"You will not as prettier as her as the day before whn u slept I'd been kicked n punched for at least 3times " while he showing me how I kicked n punched.
Perhaps he wanna show me how funny n ugly my style is.....
I'm da "candid" n he is da camera !!! Demmit !!!!!!!! This is the morning greating MSG I received.
Be hold ...
Yessssssss !!! It's really really really really really really x1000000 make my days !!
I knew it's darn ugly for da "candid" of moi whn I saw da original version. This is the version which I edited prettier. ok mayb uglier still but at least non of u will get shock like me whn i saw da ori version tho.
That's me !!!! That's me when I'm in my dreamsland !!! Darn funny n ugly !!! Haahaa.. Its come v flash !!! Omg !!! How can I din notice abt dat ???
Lucky enough, I din "tuck" my finger in my mouth !!!!!!!! And I assumed I'm "smiling" in da dreams,am I ???I'm wonder... This is da so-called smiling in da dreams ?? And whats make my smile ?? Haaahaaa....cause of the lots jokes on my pink Monday ?? Arhhhhhh harrrr.. When we doing wells even in dreams we felt wells !!! Yayys!!! Darn funny weiiiiii... Can't stop da happiness Tuesday !!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
WAKAKAKAKAKA so cuteeeeeee LOL...
mine is lagi "awesome" ok XD but its too "awesome" to share hahahahah
ehh tats my other account hehe
ahahaha... wat la u !!!i tot who's dis dmind is... XDDD stay tune.. i'm gonna blog something related to someone u know !!! hahahhahaa.. darn funny wei !!
who who who?? where?
siapa lah tuuuuuuuu???????? wehhh
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