Wednesday, May 26, 2010

~* 笑 ... 话... *~

Life is ...

I live.. I love.. I laugh..
YESS !!!!

i Live to LOVE and being LOVE and i LAUGHED !!!!
(way too much i laughed recently @.@ )

This is LOL ...

This is LOL as well ...

There is always no definition of any LOL and how you or how i LOL.

For me there is only either REAL LOL or FAKE LOL ... you??

So do human.. There is no REAL definition or measurement for how nice/sincere or how bad/fake a human can be.That's true...!!! Or mayb we actually knew but there is another story for another post ..

Well ... If you knew me well I love Wednesday !! I don't know why i just love it tho. Besides of that it's happy Wednesday !!!! I heard a world's BEST lames jokes !! That's make my happy Wednesday happier !!!! Darn Funny weiiiiii ...

And yea ... I LOL'd , did u ????

P/s: 友人告訴我說:"口事心非" 不再是女人的權力。然而"搬弄是非"和"挑撥離間"也可以是小男人的特色...我笑死...


如有巧合只屬虛構。 謝謝!!
(*seriously can't stop LOL* )

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 愿你 不忘初心, 不负光阴,活出自我, 终得精彩, 愿你, 历经千帆, 归来仍是少年。