Monday, August 10, 2009

~* WHitee DATE ... *~

da dayz i loaded da photo of DARLIE n ME to da WHITEDATE contest finally ....
after i got moi photo snapped during our shopping yday ..

nobody know how i wish to have my everything in WHITE ..
unless you are my FANs since ~*Lulamae*~ to ~*de' Lulamaez*~

dis contest grand prize was soooo addicted.
i SOOOOOOOOOO want a white BERKIN bag tooooo ...

i'd moi lappie in Whiteee ..
i'd moi Hp in Whitee ...
i'd moi MP3 in whitee ..
i'd moi lousy bag in whitee ..
i'd moi heels mostly in whitee ..
i'd moi watch in whitee ..
of coz i so want to have my dardar in whitee too instead of goldieee..
but ...
i still want da WHITEE berkin bag tho ..

except i don't so want myself or my skin to be that whiteeeee (fair)
i love TANNED me ... ^^

i'd choose da whitee DRESS for da WHITE DATE ...

phew ~ i'm sure my DATE gonna faint if i able to get dis gucci Whitee dress ... ^^

with da G's whiteee heels ..
if this shoes does exist ..
CUTE kan ???

of coz ....
with my DIY

whiteeee french manicure ...

pluuuuueaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .....

don't ask me how to win ...
i'd no idea too ...

DUHhhhhhhhhHHhhhhh ...
but i do WISH i can WIN !!!!!
@_____@ |||

*stoooooopiak ...*

and guess what kind of white U r ... ???

I'm Witty WHITE !!!!
don't ask me what does it mean ...
i don't UND also ...

Wakakakkakakkakakakakakkakakakkakakaka ...

how to win liddat ???


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 愿你 不忘初心, 不负光阴,活出自我, 终得精彩, 愿你, 历经千帆, 归来仍是少年。