Saturday, August 7, 2010

~* yoga @ noon *~

It's was my 1st time for the noon yoga class today and it's tougher than what I think it's should be.

It's my cough cause my lung getting lousier ?? or i'm getting older ?? I'm trying for daily practice recently, but my limit was just 30mins the most.. After the 30mins my breathe are not as smooth as it should be or to be correct is I hardly to breath .. I wonder .. I do keep breathing tho. Just it's can't be smooth and I felt I'm getting asthma on the half way.. -.-" WTF ????

And here.. I'm keep rolling last night... Haaahaaa.. This apps are sooooooo FUN !!!!! How acurate it is ??

- Posted using BlogPress from Genz's ® iPhone

P/s : I should jot this down, today only I knew I'm crazy. Not I'm crazy because of myself or anything. But I'm being labeled as the crazy 1 since I'm attached, i assumed. That's what I heard from my so-called best buddy. I should be happy with this ... At least now I knew all this while why I'm being rejected or not in any invitation list after I'm attached.yea.. I should b happy with this.. Seriously .. At least there is a reason.

I really don't understand .. Why ???? Why everything or anything of me must because of him???? Why ???? * curious*

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 愿你 不忘初心, 不负光阴,活出自我, 终得精彩, 愿你, 历经千帆, 归来仍是少年。