Monday, June 28, 2010

~* a group of aunts ...*~

Time : 2pm+
Venue : one of a klinik in ss2
Character : 2 pairs of aunts = 4 aunts

I parked my car ,saw an old aunt (70yrs+) walked with a "tongkat" and followed with an aunt (45yrs+) who fetch her with the BMW and parked the car far from the clinic and they are going to the same clinic as mine.

I'm so wonder why the younger aunt can't drop the old aunt in front of the clinic instead of letting her walked herself while she parked so far likes more than 6shoplots ? The things is there is lots of car park after the clinic tho.I guess might cause of the parking tix machine was just right in front her parking lot?

So I was seeing the old aunt walked darn slow alone while the BMW aunt busy with her parking tix n door. *darn curious*

Even after she paid da tix and fixing her BMW door she doesn't mean to hold the old aunt to cross the single way road while I did it!!! No!! I didn't hold her to walk but I mean to bring her cross the road. I didn't mean I'm so good but for sure the BMW aunt was really darn poor for her attitude tho.

She meant to walk faster than me to go in the clinic so that she can Q in front me.she left the old aunts walked alone instead of she stood in front the clinic door and showing her the annoyed face and pointing the chair in da clinic and asked her to sit while she sit far away from her.

And then there came another pair of the aunts .. This young aunt are so kind enough to hold and make sure the old aunt be safe and make her way right to be seated just right besides her. And while both of the old aunt sit together , i don't know why I felt sadness of the previous old aunt. She might have a rich son or daughter with a BMW car fetching her to clinic but stil she need to walk with her tongkat by herself while another old aunt she might only have a son/daughter with only myvi but she are being hold every step she walked and being pick up just right in front of the clinic.

And the BMW aunt stil let the old aunt walk herself into the doctor's room herself while she walked in faster than her. Weird isn't it ????

How terror is your BMW while you don't even know how to concern your parents ????

- Posted using BlogPress from my Genz's iPhone

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 愿你 不忘初心, 不负光阴,活出自我, 终得精彩, 愿你, 历经千帆, 归来仍是少年。