Sunday, December 13, 2009

~* 2oO9 x'Mas WishList .... *~

meaning it's a list of somethings we wish to have ...
but which we don't really need it sometimes ...
correct ??

After seeing Evelyn's 25 wishlist ..
after Cassey asked about my b'day wishlist
i'd think about it afterward ..

What's i really wish to have recently???
after i squeezed my head out ...
there is something i WISH to have ...
i assumed ...

1) an IS digital camera ( my bling'ed camera don't have this function )
which each time i'm taking photo @ low light and shaking then "someone" will said :" nahhh~ told u to get a new IS camera lorrrr !!!"

this the MODEL i'll get IF i really want to get a NEW one ...
But which i don't really need it actually ...

I still LOVE mine so much as it still taking NICE photo all of the time..
seriously !!!



this is something which i eyed on ...
after the mini lin .. so looooong ago ...

but it's kinda out of ages for me i supposed.
i'm not that elegant yet even it's real sooooooo NICE ...
and it's super pricey i admit.

so the damier ALMA will be GOOD for me !!!!
from the mini lin experience
which i used the bag less than 15 times per year..
i'd no idea why i'd to spent another few K to get it
and keep it in cupboard ...

So ... does another ALMA is a MUST or a WISH ????


3) an iphone ...

i want to know what's so great for this gadget seriously ...
i said : " bcoz of this you'd always neglect me... "
he said :" u'd prejudice with it ... "

and so .. i WISHED i got one and we will see
who have neglect and who have prejudice with it.

but still ... my currect E71 is still doing its functions so well ..
i'd no reason to get another one ... do i ???

Last but no least ...

guess ... there is only things is always on top of my wishlist tho ..

4) a nice , simple and comfort house ..

yeah ...
a house which we will call it our HOME .

How n when we gonna get it then ???
hmmmmm ....

If you want to grant my wish ... i wish it'll just b a HOME ..
do you hear me Santa ???

conclu ....
There is nothing in my wishlist tho ..


is because i'm getting poorer or cause i'm being thankful for what i'd ???

ok .. lemme squeeze my brain again for another wishlist for my b'day tho.
Any volunteer for gift donate anot ???

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 愿你 不忘初心, 不负光阴,活出自我, 终得精彩, 愿你, 历经千帆, 归来仍是少年。