Thursday, August 5, 2010

~* Aug'10 *~

Aug'10 starts with the 1st workout which I forced myself to drag my butt to move on to *luckily* ... I'm sooooo lazy ... Wonder why..

Aug'10 workouts plan fall on tues,thurs & sat. Fri is optional.... Ehhhh !!!!!! I add in another day for this month eh!!! But watch me fail, the percentage of skipping seem quite high tho -.- lll

And because I dragged my lazy butt on to workout and I treat myself another better meal but the bento is just so so ... And I'd it alone too... I missed my bf Ken ???!!!? I missed him each time whn I'd to have meal alone.. Sighz.. before I met him.. I'll never had my meal alone outside (mean I'll only tah-pao bck la doiii.. Tak kan tak yah makan???) . At least I learned to be alone now. -.-

Suddenly I don't know and I can't get anyone for either a drink nor a meal besides him. Might It's enough for the rejection of my invites n it's ok I'm learned to not being invites anymore. That's so hurts.. *sighz*

That's my sleep chart last night... *dream so much* >.<

must be fighting v the bantal busuk tho. Haaahaaaaahaaa...

- Posted using BlogPress from Genz's iPhone

counting mode

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 愿你 不忘初心, 不负光阴,活出自我, 终得精彩, 愿你, 历经千帆, 归来仍是少年。