Wednesday, May 19, 2010

~* wadda convenience *~

Finally I got the tix !!! Since I woke up early today hence I tried my luck and I got it !!!! To somewhere in msia still -.- What to do ???

Da ideal place free seat is no longer there for me .I knew I'm not that hardworking lucky yet so let it be ..

Have anyone of you noticed about something ??

Is it with the free seat given we are compulsory or a "A Must " for paying or being charged for the convenience fees ???

Like this ...

So far i'd never see any of convenience fees before for normal tix seriously .. Does this count as a scam or a tactics ??? NOPE ????

Let's see the explanation of this convenience fees ....

Does this consider as AN EXPLANATION ?????? If you ask me I'll tell you t it's a scam !!! It's a LEGAL scam !!!! Which no one will debates it instead of paying it still !!! Includes me !!! Yayyy!!!

Why when it's FREE seat still being charged of rm10 ??? wadda rm5 x 2ways x 2pax ??? Why Air Asia have so many hidden cost recently eh ?? @.@

I learnt the lesson !!!!

There is no FREE MEAL in the world not even TONY FERNANDEZ will give !!!!!!! It's cheaper but it's never FREE !!!!!! FUCK !!!!!! And the so-called FREE meal had wasted how many times of us by clicking it ?? the sleeping time ??? So .. Does it FREE still ???? WONDER ......... It wasted my early morning sleep as well ... T.T Stuuuuuuupiak !!!!!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Posh said...

Maegen, I think the convenience fees has been charge since early this year if you choose to pay by credit card. Told by my colleague...If you don't want to pay that, use online debit..Pay immediately frm you bank account.

QMG_Maegen said...

Orhhhh issit ?? But how come it didn't charge me while i book for this month krabi trip on march geh ?? if it's for credit card it should stated for credit card charges wor .. how come the explanation there is stated for Rm5 x 2 ways x 2pax geh ???

Posh said...

I remember Lao Eh book for her air ticket to bali with us, she call and check. The convenience fees charges because "convenience for your to pay use credit card"!! so i got no idea what ur krabi trip didn't charge. May be depends on where u go gua. Becos my colleage book to taiwan one also said got the convienience charges apply when the book previous.

QMG_Maegen said...

very kanasai one hor AA ..


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