Monday, June 14, 2010

~* The lesson .. *~

Updates /Disclaimer :

I thought i'll be happy if it's happen that HE will apologize to me, but which i'm NOT !!!! it's really ain't a good feel i assured you.
HE called and explained about the "misunderstood" which he meant i had when my boy unable to pick up his call.

Anyhow, the apologize is ACCEPTED. Seriously, i told my bf before if it's happen then i'll forget about this. And it's happened even it's unbelievable.

He meant that i misunderstood about the "siu yan" he tweet is not "pointed" to me and so do the "women like me" is not sarcastic as well. And he apologized about it if it's insult me. Well , it did. But with the apologize accepted, doesn't mean i should have to delete the post, should i ???

Lesson had made and i'm seriously said that i'm post for what i mean.Since i'm not delete the "MAXIS" post pun , do anyone of you think i shall delete this as well ??you decide then ? Anyhow , hope we learned the lesson sama-sama.

And whether it's a real "misunderstood" incident or not, YOU "the reader" judge it.

Lastly (hopefully) , respect others is the only way i do when i need respect from others especially to those who i called them as my friends .

Cheers & peace ...


* pending post*

The lesson I learned.

Definitions of FRIEND for me is someone who we cares, who we loves and who we respect to then we called them as our friends.

BUT to some special human(SH),if your help is needed then you'll be their friend/sis/bro instead of jerk/bitch/pok-Kai/ham-ka-chan.

Don't laugh!! I'm sure you are one of the pok-Kai which someone mean to. I swear !!!!

Because of this gadget ...

I learned a lesson.Who is the fake- friend who I shouldn't respect to.

To make the lesson short, there is a "SH" who looking for an ipad while he saw the others have month ago.

Coincidentally my youngest bro is back from USA and unfortunately before I told him that my bro can help to get 1 for him, he got his online and wait for the shipment.Therefore I didn't inform him about that.

Till, we got ours while he still waiting his delivery.To avoid the misunderstanding happen I DM'ed him to explain about that during that evening...

Sincerely when I'm sending this,i just mean to make things clear as I respect him as one of my friend so that he won't misunderstood that we purposely don think to help.

The thing is I didn't know that he sms'ed my bf that noon with somethings like " LAN YAN !! Buy ipad also didn't help me buy, I don't want to fren with u "

Taaaadahhhh!! So?? My guess is CORRECT !! He angry about us for not helping !!

But then, he replied me with this ...

WTF ???? When I nicely explained to him he replied me with : " WOMEN like you think too much I don't have that kinda time. "

Funny ain't it ??? When he angry then he told me women like me is think too much ???sooooo curious....

Another side,he SMS'ed my bf again told him :" ur gf dm me and how I'll angry my best fren because of the stupid gadget?? If your go beers n din invite me then I'll angry !!"
( 1st - he called his best friend LAN YAN. darn "kao" funny !!!
2nd - even he knew my guess is true stil he said women like me is think too much??)

I seriously felt he replied with the "women like u "is kinda sarcastic and so I tweet of this...

After I replied him with this

And he got pissed off Even I'm just replied to explain again. Then he tweet ..

In case u don't und or can't see what he mean : -
" non-sense ! Another fella who "block" da world turning. "

And something he meant that he met some ghost/siu yan like that.

See this is what I mean,what some "SH" will do .. Yayy ! I'm one of the siu yan/ pok kai am I ??

Then he shocked me with he sms'ed my bf again and I felt he insists to tell my bf to beware of me as he included a photo of the MSG only with the part he felt I'm "peeking" my bf SMS ??

Arlooooo uncle !!!! That's my bf eeeeh!!!!! In case u don't know, we shares everything ok??we had nothing to be so secret like you did???if you don't,why will you felt that and why will you so kind enough to warn my bf to beware ???

Holly shiiiit !!!! What a great SH I had ever met ???? Does that mean he is actually kept lot of secret in his hp which he don't allow his wife to know or what ??? *curious*

he reported to his wife after that,I assumed ??but i'm not sure how accurate or how many he told, then the women is so heroin jumped out and said something to "protect" his man??

She posted sthg which I can't recall bck well -.- :" 女人是很美的名詞,如果一個女人一直喋喋不休做些讓男人覺得累的事時,那樣的女人真的很討人嚴"

I agreed with her statement if it's not pointed to me but sadly she meant it when she insist this is the way she helped.

With this , I think it's the time to stop all this things. It's so funny, The way she did, remind me of those kid-y fights and usually the looser will get the mummy and ask the winner stay back ,right???

It's so no point and that's why while this incident happened I never get my bf involve nor to fight for me even he felt to when he found the way the bro who claimed his best friend are being rude or claimed his own gf as siu yan/ ghost ???

And with the only "TQ" MSG my bf replied after he warned him,might make this "SH " misunderstood that he is really being thankful or he might felt pity for my bf being suffer when he is be with me ??can't he felt it's a shame of a "TQ" when he received that ?? Isn't its a "terlebih-lebih" message when we bf/gf are sharing everything ??*darn tak faham*

If Not I'm not allow him to involve will ya think how many guy will stay for that,when the gf being claimed so ???

Like my bf said, being happy or not it's not other matters as long as we felt we are happy and there is no one can judge us besides people will felt our happiness as well if they knew us well and if they don't that is non of their business either.

My boy is right!!! At least after this incident we found some,who knew us well felt our happiness too.And to end the fight i choose to delete them out from my pages .

You knew what ??? Your life felt so GREAT when your pages are not being polluted by those tweet nor those MSG who they curse others so often everyday.

And as I believe in karma , the karma will do the works, right???? For the 1st time i didn't felt any lost for deleting anyone in my friend list tho.

And nope, I never asked my boy to not friend with him as it's kinda kiddy as well, but if the SH felt he is not shame at all then he may still claimed my boy as his best bro.

To judge how "well" the person is , we may see how many real friends they have around them and not count via how rich or how capable they are. Sometimes the rich person can be retard too.

*phew~* luckily even I deleted them I still have bunch of good friends who we shares everything. And I'm not simply claimed anyone as my good friend ONLY when they are "helping" me to buy anything even after 15yrs we didn't contact . But "SH" is doing so!!!! im darn sure "the good friend " will either become one of the "pok Kai" or "siu yan" sooner. TRUST ME !!! I'm not lies !!!! When I helped I'm a good friend too but now you see my example ????

So , it's the END finally .... *release*

P/s: *hint* can you guess who's the "SH" , my tweeter friends ???"

P/p/s : I knew it's way too long to blog about this as its passed.but since it's pending so I would like to shares it as a lesson than to revenge .

P/p/p/s: 真不知道,有些人明明自己什麼都不會或不懂,但是看到人有什麼他都要而且還要最好。難道他不知道無敵是很可悲的嗎??

P/p/p/p/s: 自以為很幸福很本領的女人真的幸福嗎??會認為他人的女友查他們的男人又光明磊落嗎???



Mun Yew said...

this type of people don't understand "幫佢買係人情,唔幫佢係道理"

QMG_Maegen said...

{mun yew} XD


 愿你 不忘初心, 不负光阴,活出自我, 终得精彩, 愿你, 历经千帆, 归来仍是少年。