Thursday, April 15, 2010

~* i doubted !! *~

*UPDATES 20/04/10 :
As like i mentioned even the issues been settled, but here's the thing we shall shared. As it's just my humble opinions nothing related with any politics, any ads, or any others things. That's it. But as a consumer we shall always be ALERT, aren't we ?? It's just a POST for you to think if you are FREE enough. the things is it's FREE too .. no charges applicable. hahahaa... *doink* *

Firstly , thanks to those who re-tweet and re-post for me either in FB or in Twitter .

We really can't doubt " the power of FB & Twitter " right ?

At least i'd highlight the mist for you, the un-intelligent user who used the intelligent phone and felt like we are actually intelligent as well.

Ok .. Now i'm fooling myself. Nothing related with anyone of you. I felt like i'm non-stoping debating even when i'm slept last night. That is the most tired night for me to sleep with felt like i'm in a WAR ??? ==' *tiredness* and the 1st words i'm telling my bf when i woke up this morning is... "THE POWER OF FB & TWITTER" !!!!! hahahahaaa !!!! i must be crazy !!

I knew ! Some of you might said :" aiya ... a hundred bucks only need to waste that much of times to argue and debates or not, right ?? "

Let's assumed this, perhaps there is 100pax who face the same problem each day and we assumed the 50pax will pay the hundred bucks.

50pax x rm100 x 30 days = it's fucking rm150,000.00 !!!!!

Now mind you tell me, does this amount shocking you anyway for only a MONTH ??? Who earn it and who pay it ???

Here's i'm doubted for this. Yesterday i've been told by MAXIS the IPhone compare to other phones, even they are loading the same page but the data of its usage is kinda different as the Iphone is Intelligent,Perhaps ?

If you don't Understand still , it's like :
let's assume if a nokia E71 Load the FB pages might load for 10Kb for a page then perhaps the Iphone might load for 100Kb for a page because it's Intelligent !! That's why i being charged for 10 times extra compare to my previous usage.

I'm CONFUSED. Who's fault is actually for this extra charging?

And i had debated with certain ppl in FB as well.

Some said :" Orhh.. some apps will auto updates itself and it cost you the extra usage. "
I said : " NO !!! if there is updates shown, i usually load it in office or home while my wifi signal is strong i'm sure. I'm really sure i'd OFF the auto notification and there is no apps i download unless the camera apps is loading and charging ?? impossible right ?? the apps i used the more is the camera .. that is ? ??

Some said :" You have to pay the bills still if you want a new lines for other telco."
I said : " Perhaps you don't know there is a sub-line thingy which i don't need to register under my name .... ==' who cares for the bills ??i'll pay for what i used ! "

Some said :" There is no point even you off the 3Gs, The EDGE will switch you to load if the wifi signal is low . "
I said : " Orhhhh !!!!!! That's a BIG OOOOOOORHHH !!!! And what for they blamed the 3Gs while EDGE do the same things ?? why they insist to switch off my 3G then ?? "

Some said :" Remember to keep monitor your usage .. "
I said : " you'll not understand what i'm try to HIGHLIGHT about because you are addicted to apple or MAXIS ??? "

Let's Think.

If i need to pay few thousand for an Intelligent Phone which i need to non-stop monitoring it's usage, I'm really un-intelligent, Am i ? You Got what i mean ?? Isn't an Intelligent Phone (esp this is ain't a cheap phone) are created to help us to monitor others stuff to be intelligent or it's created for us to monitor it's intelligent stuff ??

SO ???

Because MAXIS knew the INTELLIGENT PHONE caused the "intelligent trouble" as well ?? if their system can't really turn it off for INTELLIGENT-LY switching on and off the 3G for the customer hence they have the INTELLIGENT DATA package !!!

The thing is .. The package is to secure their profit or to secure our usage ??

Think AGAIN !!!

Before i go thru the Intelligent Data packages, For those who didn't know the Kb, Mb, Gb, Here it's what i googled.

1 kB = 1024 Bytes
1 MB = 1024 kB
1 GB = 1024 MB
1 TB = 1024 GB

Let's See, While i'm Using Nokia E71 i can FB'ing, Twittering anywhere out of wifi provided and it's only 3000Kb the most. And 300kb is around 3Mb

And with the Intelligent phone, now they overcharged me which i didn't Fb'ing, didn't Twitter'ing out of Wifi Provided. And their Valid system show my usage is 23000Kb which i'd no idea where i'd used it?? And it's about more than 20MB.

Now !!

Let's see.. without noticed about the usage i'd been charged for 20MB. So What for the Intelligent data of the 250MB & 500MB ??? Without noticed of the usages it's already over charged me for 20MB .. Do you really think your subscribed of 250Mb & 500Mb data package is useful ???

It's to satisfy your usage or it's to secure their profit ???

Will the pages loaded show you how many MB u used ??

Tell me !! For those who putting your finger on me and telling me i'd to monitor my usage. How you going to monitor your usage while you really have no idea when the Intelligent phone switching to 3G for you ??? Will this Intelligent Data & intelligent Phone really cause us the intelligent way of it's usage ??

If i'm not mistaken the 250MB is available for you to load 25pages of FB ?? Its something like ie: for the MB its enough for you to load how many pages of FB, How many pages of Twitter and How many pages for your mails,right ?? Correct me if i'm wrong but i think i heard about this before.

For those who are "pandai-pandai" monitoring your usage, will you counting yourself how many pages you loaded a day ?? And how you classified a page loaded consider is a page ?? I hope you got what i mean.

It's countless, isn't it ??It's something we can't monitor nor we will never know how a page cost how many Kb or MB right ? So ?? Who's in charge for the counting ?? The s0-called VALID system ?? Who created that ?

Do you think you are INTELLIGENT for subscribing the 250MB n 500MB ???

THINK ????

I'm sure most of you are OVER use the usages as well , don't you agree ??? Can you seriously monitor it??

Or we just pay it to secure the Telco company for its intelligent phone switching the CHARGED 3G automatically itself for us ?? Who earned it ??

And this equal to an intelligent user for an intelligent phone is A MUST to subscribe the unlimited packages to stay INTELLIGENT ! AGREE ????

So,Why they selling the phone without the data ????? *DARN CURIOUS*

Nevertheless, I think I'm SERIOUSLY in the phobia for being Overcharge or phobia being a user for the Intelligent Phone now. *pity me*

What i'm gonna do if they switched off the 3G and next month they charge me another 20MB still ? I'm real wonder. Will they tell me again the EDGE switching itself to EDGE when they detected the wifi is low in signal ???

OR Shall i just switch to a "dumb" phone cause i'm a dumb ??

I'll be super sad if i do so . It's a gift from my bf, can't i just remain it ?
He said how come each time the gift he gave there must be a problem for me, i'm not trying to Anti it. But , Should i just pay the extra Overcharge cause i want to keep the gift ?? *sad sad*

Final Conclusion, to secure i'm not being overcharge of rm113 for the 23000kb/23Mb again and remain using the gift phone from my bf.

I should subscribed the rm30(250Mb) data package EXTRA(at least) to avoid they overcharge me again cause of the intelligent phone will switching to 3G itself for me when the wifi signal is low . And with this data package i signed i'd to remain NOT loading any apps, NOT Fb'ing still, NOT Twitter'ing and NOT even touch the phone apps besides using the Intelligent phone as "A PHONE " just for calls and sms. NOOO !!! i can't even used it for MMS !!!!!!! *FUUUUUNNNY !!* Am I ???

OH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how INTELLIGENT i'm to source this out !!!!!!!

How many of you do feel what i felt ?? And how many of you sound your RIGHTS like i did ??? I'm "terlebih-lebih" am i ??? Think about the rm150,000.00 per month !!


Did i tell you MAXIS sent me a msg this mornign at 9am.

"Kes Cxxxxx17 anda telah diselesaikan. Sila nilai mutu perkhidmatan kami (1= terendah & 5 = terbaik) dan balas ke 20009. tanpa caj. Terima kasih. Maxis. "

I was like ==' doink ?? Did anyone revert to me for my complaint yet ? How come it's solved ??? Is that i'm not sleep last night ?? And i'm not dreaming for the debates but which i did actually debates with them and they finally solved it ?? Can't be right ?? I memang dah mimpi i guess ??

How i'm gonna rate?? Can i put a minus 10?? or how ??? kindly advice me !!!!

I checked back my online statement, thy didn't waived it off yet !!! So ?? How it's consider solve ???


"Enjoy RM5 waiver per month if you choose to get your itemised bill via e-billing only (that means no more bills via post)! And you can also receive your itemised bill via email every month completely free "

That is what i "tick" for the past 6 months at least. And i still received the STATEMENT and they still charged me !!! GREAT !!! Because of this i did highlight to them about this . They said :" Ms.Gew, even you choose the E-billing but you didn't tick the column of " don't send me via post " !!!! "

ORHHH !!! how brilliant they are ??

Tell me Tell me !! Tell me is not a SCAM !! Tell me i'm not an idiot !!!!

If i need the statement via post will i choose the e-billing ??
If i choose the e-billing will i still need it via post ???

Please pursue me the column to tick for "don't send me via post " is not a Misleading SCAM. But it's alright cause i'm idiotically didn't noticed to tick the "double work" of "don't send me via post" Hence i'd paid it all this while without complaint anything.

Seriously, even the coverage of maxis is weak sometimes i never did any complaint @ all. And will they refund us back when their VALID intelligent system providing us the lousy server ?? NEVER !! So why they deserved overcharge us when we NEVER use their system, Correct ??


Posh said...

actually you can track you usage itself from your phone.

QMG_Maegen said...

if you google around , you'll find there is some ppl found the data show having 160MB different with their bills..


 愿你 不忘初心, 不负光阴,活出自我, 终得精彩, 愿你, 历经千帆, 归来仍是少年。