Sunday, June 27, 2010

~* W.H.Y ... *~

We are lucky as Facebook & MSN is not ban in our company.

We allow to do so , does that mean we can just hook on it most of the time during working hours ???

Self management is so important i must said. Once a times or maybe just hook on it for some updates but just for shorts period of times is alright.

Don't be so calculative. But self-manage is the thing.

Working hours late , leaving early for baby or class, lunch time hook on net,before and after dinner hook on net, so how long for the working hours ??? boss coming pretending busy, boss leaving, facebooking. Type type type pretending working, turning the lappie pretending checking
boss coming smiling, boss leaving the face is shit'ing.

That's the new attitude i found which is so-called not "CALCULATIVE " which i should really really learn. That's to SURVIVE ! i'm tired for being good. Just BE FAKE !!!! BE as FAKE as you can then you will live your life as GOOD as you can. How nice ???

Sometimes i didn't said doesn't mean i don't know, and sometimes even i knew i don't think i should sound. But still , self management .

I will never understand why ????? WHY must pending all the things for not doing on desk and hook on line chatting, surfing, and does the working hours end before the dinner time ???? i'm facebooking as well but i didn't hook on it. i didn't upload any photo during office hours, i didn't chatting during office hours nor blogging while i'm really WORKS. i'm surfing and my working hours doesn't end before office hours.

YEA .. i shouldn't calculative , let it be. PEACE & BE FAKE !!

p/s : if anyone of you knew who i'm talking about just shares it. i blogged what i meant. That's nothing i should be FAKE in my own world.

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 愿你 不忘初心, 不负光阴,活出自我, 终得精彩, 愿你, 历经千帆, 归来仍是少年。