Tuesday, December 15, 2009

~* Facebook,Twitter,bLog..*~

Most of us do have facebook ..
if you don't ..
you are kinda out ...

Most of us do have twitter ...
if you don't still ..
you are not that up-to-date yet ..
i'd mine 2yrs+ ago if i'm not mistaken ..
which it's not really active yet ..
i really not use to "report" EVERYTHING to the world ..
hence ....

Well ...
MOST of us .. do have BLOG ..
but how's many of us do keep it active still
after we'd facebook and twitter ???

Facebook is so HOoOOoooooOoooT
because it's so up-to-date ..
when we had "something" to tell either refer only to "someone"
or to "everyone"
it's the faster and easier way to share.

twitter is HooooOoooooooOooter
because its' much more up-to-date
it's changed each second.

sadly privacy for me is kinda important
and i'm much more use to "talk" rather than "tweet"
hence it's not really my "cup of tea"

Blogger been to be the HooooooOooootest,
when facebook and twitter are not that HOT yet.
but it's been neglected by most of us
when facebook and twitter took it place.

frankly i'm much more use to blog ..
i did share certain things @ certain times..
i can't tell the world what had i did each second for the whole day long ..
i can't tell the world start with a good morning ..
continue with what i had for breakfast, lunch,tea time,dinner
and end with good night.
i just can't.

But i did shares something when i'm in the mood
either in Facebook, twitter nor blog .

i'm not sure how many of you do feel the same with me,

when i wrote something to share
meaning i'm not going to share it with talk
hence i wrote it ...
if i'm going to talk about it then what's the point i write, correct ??

So ... will you still talk or discuss about ANYTHING you shares
or you posted either in FB? Twitter??or BLOG ???

For me ,
i'd to politely to say ...
i HATE so ..

i Hate when i posted something @ my status ..
there will be someone came up and discuss with you about that
and that's just so weird
don't you think so ???
especially those we are not really close with ...

OK ..
well .. maybe i'm the weirdest one .. am i ??


to be continue ....

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 愿你 不忘初心, 不负光阴,活出自我, 终得精彩, 愿你, 历经千帆, 归来仍是少年。